10 Social Media Tips That Will Instantly Generate Traffic to Your Blog

10 social media tips that will instantly generate traffic to your blog.

Every bloggers dream is to get millions of people reading his/her article. To achieve this, you need to Work smarter rather than harder by focusing on these social media tips that will instantly generate traffic to your blog.


We are going to further discuss how to use social media as a traffic source to our blogs. In the world today, social media platforms like Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, twitter and LinkedIn are connecting billions of people across the globe. However it is difficult for many bloggers to organically generate traffic from these social medias.


To get social media followers fast which will lead to massive traffic to your blog, you need to do this 10 things:



This will make people to easily identify your social account. So therefore it is very important to focus on a good quality and unique brand image across your social media profiles and your blog.


Examine how your social media profiles are being set up. Does it clearly relate to the information in your blog? You have to maintain uniformity in areas like your bio, the topics you cover and your header image so that it will be easy for your readers to identify your blog which will lead to an increase to the traffic you will be sending back to your blog.



If you have a logo, your social media profile header image section is a great place to include this. And if you are currently offering a major giveaway or free product on your site? Your header image section is a great place to highlight this.



When writing a blog posts/articles, who are you writing for? Are you going to blog about traveling, beauty, health, fashion and design, beauty, foods……. The earlier you understand your identify and understand your target audience, the more focused your post will be.


Once you have known your target audience, it’s time to create a social media profile for your specific audience. Focus on creating content that are related to the topic you have chosen to blog about.


If you are posting or sharing content, either your own or something that you found interesting from an outside source on your social profile, ask yourself if it would be appealing to your target audience. This will increase the chances that your community is going to connect with the content that you are sharing and continue following your account.



The biggest mistake that many bloggers always make is their failure to remain consistent on social media. Not knowing that Social media platform have one common algorithm that favours consistency, which is to reward regular activity.


If somebody discovers your social media profile and notice that you haven’t posted for a long time, they are likely going to believe that you are no longer using it, they will not connect with you. At the same time, those who follow you are going to forget about your account if you are no more showing up in their feed from time to time. You will not see a good engagement rate if you aren’t giving your audience something to engage with.

Note: You can get a freelancer to promote your social media accounts on fiverr 


If you think staying consistent is difficult for you as you may not have time to be logging onto your social media account daily to post. I have a good news for you!


There are many tools available on the internet that allow you to schedule your content in advance. This tools can help you schedule an entire week of content in a single hour and automatically post it as scheduled.


The question now is which scheduling tool you will use. To get the best scheduling tool, you need to perform a google search on that. You will get answers on the best tools to use and how to use them.


My advice to you is to try few of them to discover which one is the best for you. Some of them are free tools while others may come at a cost with more features. 




Collaboration has proven to be one of the effective way to increase organic social media reach. You need to reach out to successful people in your niche and convince them to share your content in an exchange to sharing their own content too.


You can also offer to design a graphic for them so they can post it and credit you. The question is, how to find people that are ready to collaborate? Join your niche related Pinterest board, Facebook and LinkedIn groups. Request for collaboration in a post and you will see them chatting you.



What is content creating and curating? Content creation is your own original unique content while content curating is sharing quality content from other creators. So when planning for the social media content to share for the week try include a good mix of created and curated content.


Make sure to carefully select high-quality content to share to your audience. For example if you are blogging about beauty, you can share a high quality written article on another beauty blog that talks about interesting thing you haven’t written yet. Sharing poor quality will lead to bad user experience and affect your social engagement negatively.



As a blogger, just know that Hashtags is one of the greatest way to organically extend your reach on social media and attract potential new readers. Always use hashtags when sharing your blog article on social media.


You have to do research on the hashtags that are associated with your niche on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter. One of the easiest ways to get started with this is simply to look at the accounts of other creators that are performing well in your niche and discover what they are doing. From there, you can search other posts using that hashtag, revealing other options.


Keep in mind that the best hashtags to use are not the ones that are popularly used. These are often oversaturated, and your post will be very difficult to appear on the hashtag feed. Instead, find those that fall somewhere in the middle with enough traffic and smaller amount of followers.



As social media is a great way to announce newest content that have just published in your blog, don’t forget to re-post your older content.


Check all your blog post that you have published starting from the day your blog was created. Identify relevant posts and re-share it. There may be some of your followers who have forgotten these posts and will be interested in reading it again.


 And also most of your new followers may have not seen this posts and this is a great way to make them read it.




In blogging, there should be high quality of your written content. But when you come to social media, you need to create a high quality eye-catching visuals like pictures, videos and infographics. This type of content has proven to get more shares, clicks, likes and comments than text-based content. 

This does not mean that you should be creating only visual based content especially on twitter. But try to create as many visual content as possible. I recommend using Canva to create professional looking visual contents.



Finally, the most important part in social media marketing is the ability to connect with others. You need to be willing to engage with your content by replying comments, acknowledging those who share your content. Make out time to answer their questions.


Consider participating in your niche related groups like Facebook groups, Pinterest boards and LinkedIn groups. This will help you reach out to larger audience.



I want to appreciate you for taking time to read 10 Social Media Tips That Will Instantly Generate Traffic to Your Blog. I urge you to try the above mentioned and be persistent. Note: sharing is caring. So click the share button below to share with friends.


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